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Visitor Pre-Invite and Reception Check-In Workflow

Offision makes visitor pre-invite and check-in seamless. Pre-invite guests via email, and receptionists handle check-in with QR codes, ensuring a smooth and professional visitor experience.
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Managing visitors becomes effortless with Offision's Visitor Pre-Invite and Reception Check-In workflow. Here's how it works:

  1. Send Pre-Invite Emails:

    • Users initiate the process by sending an invitation email to visitors.
    • The email includes visit details, making it easy for visitors to save the event to their e-calendar.
  2. Provide Visitors with Essential Details:

    • Visitors receive a badge email containing:
      • A link to a registration form. Visitors can fill out their information in advance, ensuring a hassle-free check-in.
      • A QR code that will be used at the reception desk for quick identification.
  3. Reception Check-In with QR Code:

    • Upon arrival, visitors present their QR code at the reception desk.
    • Receptionists scan the QR code using Offision to retrieve all associated visit data.
  4. Verify Visitor Information:

    • Receptionists confirm that the visitor has completed the registration form.
    • Once verified, they click the “Check-In” button in Offision to log the visitor’s arrival.
  5. Instant Notifications and Badge Printing:

    • The inviter is immediately notified via email and system notification that the visitor has checked in.
    • If a label printer is connected, Offision prints a visitor badge automatically, ensuring professional identification.

This workflow ensures a smooth visitor experience from pre-invite to check-in while streamlining the receptionist's tasks. It combines automation, professionalism, and ease of use for all parties involved.


  1. Professional Visitor Experience:

    • Visitors receive all necessary information before their visit, including a registration form and QR code.
    • The streamlined process ensures a positive first impression when visitors arrive.
  2. Simplified Reception Tasks:

    • Receptionists can handle check-ins efficiently by scanning QR codes and verifying details.
    • No need for manual data entry, reducing errors and saving time.
  3. Improved Communication:

    • Inviter notifications ensure that hosts are informed immediately when their visitors arrive.
    • System and email notifications keep everyone in the loop.
  4. Enhanced Security:

    • The QR code ensures visitor identity is verified before check-in.
    • Registration form verification allows receptionists to confirm visitor details before granting access.
  5. Automated Badge Printing:

    • If connected to a label printer, Offision automatically prints a visitor badge, improving identification and access control.
  6. Time-Saving and Efficient Workflow:

    • Pre-invites ensure visitors are prepared, reducing wait times at reception.
    • Automating notifications and badge printing minimizes steps for reception staff.
  7. Easy to Use:

    • The intuitive process is simple for both visitors and receptionists, requiring minimal training.
  8. Centralized Visitor Data:

    • All visitor information is stored securely in Offision, allowing for easy tracking and review.

By focusing on pre-invites and reception check-ins, Offision enhances visitor management, ensuring a smooth and professional process for both visitors and staff. This feature saves time, improves security, and creates a positive experience for everyone involved.

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