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Office system that genuinely lower your cost
Offision makes sure all of your resources are properly utilised. Save your cost, and you can try it for free!
What Offision can do for you?
Enforce office management through automation
Enforce office management through automation
Improve office productivity by AI analytics
Improve office productivity by AI analytics
Support various check-in methods and use cases
Support various check-in methods and use cases
Trusted by Our Partners
Qbic IAdea Petacom Mettage Crestron Microsoft
Cross-platform support for various devices
no-install and mobile-friendly solution, easy integration that does not require professional IT support.
Offision - iOS Offision - Android Offision - Window Offision - Outlook Offision - Teams Offision - Google Workspace
Recommended to companies with these problems
Employees at the office
1. The conference room is empty. Is it okay to use it?
2. I forgot which conference room did I reserve...
Through Offision, users can easily check the room status and schedule on mobile, desktop, and door front.
Offision - System administrator
Offision - General affairs person
General affairs person
1. Want to make efficient use of limited office space
2. Many users complaining about insufficient meeting rooms
In order to utilise offices and floor space, it is important to calculate the seating occupancy rate and adjust it to the required number of seats.

By understanding information about floorspace with low occupancy rates, it is possible to reduce wasted space and optimize resources.
Offision - General affairs person
System administrator
1. Dual management with existing groupware is difficult
2. I want to keep initial costs as low as possible
There is no need for a dedicated server as Offision is hosted in the cloud and linked to the booking system you are using.

Additionally, since you can use Offision with a free trial, you can initially introduce it at a low cost.
Offision - System administrator
Unleash your office potential with AI function
Offision main features
Basic functions
Meeting room/seat reservation
Specify the date on the calendar and click on the desired seat to complete the seat reservation.
Multi-language 💬
The system supports English, Chinese and Japanese.
Check usage status 🔎
Easily check room/desk status on the calendar
Conference room/seat AI recommendation ⚡
Our AI system recommends the most suitable room/seat for you.
Check in 📒
Users are required to check in before using the room or desk. This helps in preventing no-show bookings.
Management functions
Conference room/seat occupancy rate
Analyze your office occupancy rate for a better plan.
Log output 📝
You can export CSV data and reference past appointment performance logs.
User management 👥
You can grant granular permissions to each user.
Management of multiple locations 📍
Manage multiple locations in the same platform.
Auto release of empty reservations 🚪
Set rules to automatically release empty rooms/tables.