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Office resources management for enterprise
We understand the difficulties of resource management faced by enterprises and provide the most suitable solutions to improve efficiency and digital transformation.
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Why enterprise need a smart office system?
Traditional office resource management results in double bookings, asynchronous information, and messy management of the log book for the enterprise. Offision can help your business to cut down operational costs and streamline management processes.

HR challenges for enterprise

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Reservations in multi-locations
For each location, the need for a reservation could be greatly different due to user behavior, job duty, working environment, etc. The flexibility of a management system is the key factor.
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Over-booking problem
Resource over-booking becomes a significant problem in enterprise, especially when lots of people from multiple locations try to secure the same room in the same time.
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Offision - Resource-performance rating
Optimize real estate investments
Unused conference rooms and desks are always the pain points for enterprises which easily causes a great loss in real estate investments.
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Offision is your resource management solution
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Booking calendar for multi-locations
Our system provides a clear calendar overview of booking which users can easily search and reserve the resource in different locations.
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Automatic collision check
Offision will automatically check if the reservation has any collision before it is made. No need to worry about overbooking to save checking time.
Offision - Resource-performance rating
Offision - Resource-performance rating
Big data resource analytics
Offision collects the daily reservation data and analyses them to provide metrics that can help you figure out the usability of each office part.
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