Menu Button
This page is about the functions of Menu Button ⋮
Menu Button ⋮
?In specific page, after selecting an object, you can find the Menu Button ⋮
on the top right ↗️. The following page has Menu Button ⋮
- Announcement:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete
- Room:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Edit license, Set out of service period
- Hot Desk:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Edit license, Set out of service period
- Equipment:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Edit license, Set out of service period
- Amenities:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources
- Business Hour:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources
- Policies:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources
- User Restrictions:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources
- Players:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Disconnect device, Player remote control
- Player Configurations:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set players
- Facilities:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete
- Reported Issues:
- Edit, Delete
- Booking service Setting:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources
- IoT Devices:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Edit license
- IoT Devices Config:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Batch IoT Devices
- Visitors:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Add to black list
- Visiting Purpose:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set as default
- Visiting Policy:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set locations
- Visitor Survey:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Preview survey
- Reception Settings:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete
- User:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Manually reset password, Send reset password email
- User Group:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set users
- Building:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Edit license
- Floor:
- Edit, Duplicate, Delete, Set resources, Set floor plan
- External Integration:
- Edit, Delete
- API Authentication:
- Edit, Delete, Regenerate token
Menu Button ⋮
is a button to show extra functions. The extra function includes:
- Edit:
- This function allows you to edit the object.
- Duplicate:
- This function allows you to duplicate the object to edit.
- Delete:
- This function allows you to remove the object.
- Set resources:
- This function allows you to set the object to the resources.
- Edit license:
- This function allows you to set the license to the object.
- Set out of service period:
- This function allows you to set out of service period to the object.
- Disconnect device:
- This function allows you to disconnect the player.
- Player remote control:
- This function allows you to remote the player.
- Set players:
- This function allows you to set the player configuration to the player.
- Batch IoT Devices:
- 🚧 Under consturction. Please wait for our update. Stay tuned.
- Add to black list:
- This function allows you to add the visitor to the black list.
- Set as default:
- This function allows you to set the object as a defualt setting.
- Set locations:
- This function allows you to set the visiting policy to the locations.
- Preview survey:
- This function allows you to preview the survey.
- Manually reset password:
- This function allows you to reset user password manually.
- Send reset password email:
- This function allows you to send a reset password email to the user.
- Set users:
- This function allows you to the user to the user groups.
- Set floor plan:
- This function allows you to set the floor plan to the floor.
- Regenerate token:
- This function allows you to regenerate a token.