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Desk Q - Clearly indicate occupancy with our easy 2-step reservation process

Enhance your workspace management with Offision and Crestron Desk Q. This seamless integration provides clear occupancy indications and an easy 2-step reservation process, ensuring efficient use of your office spaces.
Explore Offision's Scene Library: Your Gateway to Efficient Resource Management

Key Features

  1. Clear Occupancy Indication: Easily see which desks are available or occupied.
  2. 2-Step Reservation Process: Quickly reserve a desk in just two steps.
  3. Seamless Integration: Offision and Crestron Desk Q work together to provide a unified workspace management solution.
  4. Real-Time Updates: Get instant updates on desk availability and reservations.
  5. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design makes it easy for employees to find and book desks.

How It Works

  1. Check Availability: Employees can view real-time desk availability through the Offision platform.
  2. Reserve a Desk: Using the 2-step reservation process, employees can select and book an available desk.
  3. Occupancy Indication: Crestron Desk Q provides clear visual indicators of desk occupancy status.
  4. Manage Reservations: Employees can manage their reservations, including making changes or cancellations, through the Offision platform.


  1. Increased Efficiency: Reduce time spent searching for available desks, allowing employees to focus on their work.
  2. Optimized Space Utilization: Ensure that office spaces are used efficiently, reducing wasted resources.
  3. Enhanced Productivity: Streamlined reservation process and clear occupancy indications help maintain a productive work environment.
  4. Improved Employee Experience: User-friendly interface and real-time updates make it easy for employees to navigate the workspace.
  5. Scalable Solution: Suitable for offices of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises.

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Explore Offision's Scene Library: Your Gateway to Efficient Resource Management

Explore Offision's Scene Library: Your Gateway to Efficient Resource Management

Unlock the potential of your workspace with curated use cases and streamlined booking solutions