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Functionality comparison of different integration

  • A1: Under integration “Application permission” and “Delegated permission”: create booking of Outlook room on ONES

  • A2: Under integration “Application permission” and “Delegated permission”: create booking of Outlook room on Outlook

  • B: Under integration “Delegated resource only” and “Application resource only”: create booking of Outlook room on Outlook

  • O: The feature does functional;

  • X: The feature does not functional;

  • *: Not fully functional;

Create booking on ONES which reflects to OutlookOXX
Outlook booking reflect to ONESXOO
Resources schedule display bookingOOO
Walk-in on playerOOO 1
Extend on playerOOO
End the booking on playerOOO
Check-in on playerOOO
Recurrence booking policyOOO
All day booking policyOOO
Cross day booking policyOOO
Out of business hour booking policyOOO
Multiple resources booking policyOOO
Limit booking date range policyOOO
Limit booking time length policyOOO
Limit edit / delete before booking start policyOXX
Not allow overlap with other bookings policyOOO
Not allow overlap with bookings that involve resources using this booking policyOOO
Require check-in policyOOO
Attendee can check-in, check out or extend booking policyOOO
Allow early check-out policyOOO
Allow user on-site extend the booking policyOOO
Allow booking manager book for user policyOXX
Allow booking from User app policyOXX
T&C policyOXX
Booking approvalO**
Booking approval (Hold time slot)OOO
Extra booking form fieldOXX
Booking pinOXX
Email styleOXX

  1. Due to the limitation of permission, the "Walk-in on player" feature can only reserve a room without recording who has actually reserved the room.