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Unlock Smarter Workflows with Offision
Offision Premium plans now include access to the Offision AI Assistant in Translate, Writer, Booking agenda, and more.
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Offision - floor plan

The best of Offision AI, now included in Premium Plan

Offision - Office insights faster with AI

Office insights faster with AI

Optimize your physical spaces by turning data into actionable insights related to space utilization and employee behaviour patterns.
Offision - AI Writer: Your Messaging & Booking Ally

AI Writer: Your Messaging & Booking Ally

Superchrage your writing with auto-generated annoucements and book agenda that provides quick draft and ideas, and offers fresh perspectives.
Offision - Get AI assistance in Offision

Get AI assistance in Offision

Do your best work faster with AI built into our popular feature like Annoucement, Booking Agenda, Service Call, Translation, and more.

Offision AI is your always-on AI assistant where you need it most

Offision - Workspace specialistWorkspace specialist

As a Workspace Specialist, Offision conducts in-depth documentation searches to provide actionable insights for your office.

You can ask Offision AI about:
You can ask Offision AI about:
  • Which building has the most reservations?
  • Give me the first three most used user groups?
  • Which floor has the most reservations?
  • Compare usage in room 1 and room 2?
  • Which room is most occupied on Tuesday?
  • Which Tuesday was the most used day in the past 3 months?

Enterprise-grade integrations

Integrate with your favorite tools and platforms for a simple, streamlined meeting room booking system.
AI Announcement
Automatically generates and delivers personalized announcements or updates based on user preferences and real-time data.
AI Booking agenda
Creates a smart, organized schedule for appointments or meetings, syncing seamlessly with your calendar and priorities.
AI Booking arrangement
Streamlines the process of scheduling by suggesting optimal times and coordinating with all parties involved.
AI Business card OCR
Scans and extracts contact details from business cards, converting them into digital contacts with high accuracy.
AI Service call
Enhances customer support by automating service call responses, routing inquiries, or providing real-time assistance.
AI Booking Insight
Provides detailed analytics and trends about your booking patterns to optimize scheduling and resource use.
AI Sensor Insight
Analyzes data from connected sensors to deliver actionable insights for monitoring and decision-making.
AI Web summary
Quickly summarizes web content, articles, or pages, giving you key points without the need to read everything.
AI Assistant
A virtual helper that manages tasks, answers questions, and supports daily activities with intelligent suggestions.
AI Translate
Instantly translates text or speech into your preferred language with precision and context awareness.
Resources for better workplaces
Effortlessly Schedule Recurring Team Meetings with Offision

Effortlessly Schedule Recurring Team Meetings with Offision

Offision's automated scheduling features make this process seamless and error-free, ensuring your team stays connected and productive.
Save Your Office from Ghosted Room Bookings

Introducing Offision's AI Assistant: Your Smart Workspace Companion

This intelligent tool is designed to simplify workspace management, providing you with the support you need to thrive.
Benefits of Conference Room Displays

Benefits of Conference Room Displays

Conference room displays, specifically room schedule displays, offer a seamless way to organize and utilize meeting spaces effectively.