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Installation on Linux Server (Basic)

Following documents are the basic installation step to install Offision on a Linux Server hosting on a single PC / Virtual machine.

All the component include database will be bundled and setup by the docker file.

If you would like to install server and database separately, please refer to Install on Linux Server (Advanced)

  • Linux environment that support Docker, while most of the Linux distributions (such as Redhat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Oracle Linux, etc..) will support Docker.
  • Install Docker Engine based on the Linux OS of your environment, you may follow the official Guideline .
  • Install Docker Compose. You should choose linux Standalone binary on the Linux OS, you may follow the official Guideline.
  • a Valid SSL Certificate

To confirm if Docker Engine is installed correctly, use command sudo docker images

To confirm if Docker Compose is installed successfully, use command sudo docker-compose version


Making docker auto start when the server restart will make the maintenance easier, use following command (Reference)

sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service

Setup Procedure

  1. Download the installation script from Link

  2. Unzip the file the the root folder /offision

  3. Download and put the Offision Server image offision.tar into the folder /offision


Offision Server image do not have direct download link. If you want to have the Offision Server Image for installation, Please contact ONES Software

  1. Replace your SSL Certificate to the one in directory /offision/certificate/offision.pfx, you must keep the name as offision.pfx

  2. Open the docker-compose.yml:

    1. Change the ServerUrl https://localhost to your server address
    2. Change the timezone to your time zone name
    3. Change the ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password to your certificate password
  3. Open Terminal, run cd /offision

  4. Run command sudo docker load --input ./offision.tar

  5. Run command sudo docker-compose up -d

  6. The startup will take around 2-3 minutes. And you may access the console by https://localhost / Your server address once it complete

Update Offision Server

  1. Download the latest Offision Server image into /offision
  2. Open PowerShell in /offision
  3. Stop Offision: run command sudo docker-compose down
  4. Load the latest Offision Server image: run command docker load --input ./offision.tar
  5. Update and start Offision: run command sudo docker-compose up -d

How to renew the SSL certificate if it is going to expire?

Go to the original certificate location, replace the existing pfx file with new .pfx file, default path in /offision/certificate/offision.pfx

If the password of pfx changed the existing docker-compose.yml file, change the field ASPNETCORE_Kestrel__Certificates__Default__Password to new password.

Open terminal and run the following command:

cd /offision
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d

How to handle when database password changed?

Open the existing docker-compose.yml file, change the existing password to new password. Open powershell and run the following command:

cd /offision
sudo docker-compose down
sudo docker-compose up -d