

This page is about the FAQ of server.

Do we need internet access if we connect the panels to an internal Exchange server?

Yes, internet access is required because Offision is a cloud service. Additionally, we need to access the Exchange server through EWS (Exchange Web Services).

If the internet connection is broken (due to planned maintenance or repair works), will the panels still work?

The functionality of the panels depends on the situation:

  1. If the panel is running normally and then the internet connection is broken:
    • A small text indicating "No internet access" will be displayed.
    • The screen will continue to show information based on existing data.
    • When the internet connection is restored, the panel will automatically resynchronize data from the cloud server.
  2. If the panel starts up with no internet connection:
    • It will display the message "Server connection error" and will continuously retry to connect until the server is reachable.

In case of no internet connection, do we have individual access to each panel if the customer needs to change options?

Without an internet connection, you can access the panel to change OS settings such as Wi-Fi, Ethernet, etc. However, to use Offision features, an internet connection is required.